How does Simavi contribute to Water Justice?

06-03-2024 | 13:27

2 billion people do not a have safe access to enough water for their basic needs. Almost a third of the world population! Access to water has been deteriorating in recent years due to the rapid impacts of the climate crisis. Droughts, as well as floods, are causing water points to be compromised.

It is primarily women and girls in Africa and Asia who bear the brunt of this crisis. They have to travel farther and farther in search of water for their families. These long journeys not only prevent them from attending work or school but also expose women and girls to other dangers, such as physical discomfort and even (sexual) violence.

Despite much discussion about climate in politics and media, there is still not enough investment in the concrete and immediate solutions that are needed NOW for people in remote areas. They are forgotten in the larger, abstract conversation about climate, even though they are not responsible for the cause.

This is why Simavi created the Water Justice Fund: a fund that invests locally in direct solutions needed on the ground. Through this fund, initiatives in Kenya, Bangladesh, and Nepal can receive small amounts of money to address water problems directly. So, no big multinational corporations, but instead a focus on small-scale initiatives and the knowledge of the community. Additionally, women are at the forefront: they take the lead in managing the budget. This is the way to go for more water justice!